• Birds
    Toucans Photos Perched on the Woods

    Toucans Photos

    Please click on images to go to the respective species page with information and more photos.

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  • Birds
    Selenidera Toucans Perched on the Woods

    Selenidera Toucans

    The Genus Selenidera contains six tropical South American species of toucanets – one ranging south into Central America. They inhabit lowland rainforests below 1500m. These elusive toucans tend to forage…

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  • Birds
    Breeding Toucans Perched on the Fence

    Breeding Toucans

    Jürgen Vielguth, Kerstin Kirchhöfel, Timo Allner, Anne Hoppmann Article in German (Deutsch): Aufzucht von Seidenkuckucken im Weltvogelpark Walsrode Article and images were kindly provided by Weltvogelpark Walsrode in Germany Toucans…

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  • Birds
    Bright Rainbow Lorikeet Parrot Vanuatu Parrots

    Vanuatu Parrots

    Vanuatu is an island nation located in the South Pacific Ocean     Please Note: The articles or images on this page are the sole property of the authors or…

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  • Incubation Kinglets

    Species of Bird # Eggs Incubation Time Time to fledge Common Firecrest (Regulus ignicapillus) 7 – 12 15 days 10 days Firecrest Kinglet (Regulus goodfellowi) ? ? ? Golden-crowned Kinglet…

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  • Pet Birds
    Saffron Toucanets on a Tree Branch


    Toucanets are small and relatively short-billed toucans that belong to the toucan family, Ramphastidae. They are distantly related to woodpeckers. They occur naturally in the tropical rain forests of Latin…

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  • Birds
    Ventilation Holes for Nest Boxes on the Tree

    Ventilation Holes for Nest Boxes

    Below article courtesy of Richard Poole and Christine Brown Longwood, FL Wild Bird Nesting Boxes Current directions for construction of nest boxes state that ventilation holes should be inserted in…

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