
  • Are Termites Decomposers

    Are Termites Decomposers?

    When discussing decomposers in the ecosystem, termites undoubtedly come to mind. Playing a significant role in breaking down organic matter, termites help recycle nutrients back into the soil. You may…

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  • Ants Eating Cheese What Do Ants Eat

    What Do Ants Eat

    Ants are fascinating creatures with diverse diets. In the wild, they can be observed consuming a wide variety of foods. While they might seem small and insignificant, ants actually play…

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  • Endangered Insects on the Grass

    Endangered Insects

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) tells us that 60 insect species are listed as protected under the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA). The list of endangered and threatened…

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